Snarkle Talks: Episode 4.5 (The Episode That We Missed)


Hey everyone! This week’s Snarkle Talks episode is on a tiny hold as we’ve just returned from LVKO and are brewing some fantastic content for you. From lively discussions inside our Squawk Box to candid community interactions, we've captured the essence of kendama culture that we can't wait to share. Thanks for your patience; great things are coming—stay connected!

Take a listen to this mini episode to hear a squeak peek of what's coming up next!

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Kellie Kawahara-Niimi (00:00.558)
*making diddle dee dee noises for a few seconds* 
Okay, um, I got distracted, sorry.

*peppy music plays* 

Kellie Kawahara-Niimi (00:21.838)

Oh, hi everyone! I'm Kellie and you're tuned in to the one and only Snarkle Talks, the podcast where we mash creativity and kendama together. Now, I know you might be thinking, hey, isn't it about time for a new episode? Well, you're absolutely right, but we've hit a tiny snag this week. We actually just got back from the live recording at LVKO!

And let me tell you, it was absolutely spectacular. The energy, the people, the vibe, it was awesome. Both at the event and the park jam, we set up the Squawk Box, our mobile podcast recording studio, and it acted as a cozy corner for kendama enthusiasts to step in and share their journey. Inside our box, community members spilled their kendama secrets.laughed about their fumbles and expressed their passions, all recorded live through our mics. It's our way of tuning into the heartbeat of the community, directly from the source. Here's a squeak peek from our Squawk Box chats.

*peppy transition music* 

Kellie: (crowd noises in the background)

Hi, can you please say your name and is cereal a soup? 

Jacob: My name is Jacob Crawford.
Ria: My name is Ria Smith
Zack: My name is Zack Fernanado
Tay: My legal name is Taylor Craig, but I go by Tay
Victoria: My name is Victoria and cereal is a soup. It's a liquid with solids in it and you eat it with a spoon. It's a soup. It's a soup. 

*peppy transition music* 

The dream is to see the Squawk Box become a cornerstone of kendama events everywhere. A hive of storytelling that connects players across the globe.

We're talking about a living archive of kendama culture, capturing evolution, innovation, and friendship one story at a time. However, because of all of the fun and a little bit of chaos, this week's episode will need to hang back and catch its breath, because we certainly do. But don't worry, we're not leaving you hanging. We'll be back on track with a brand new episode next Friday, and it's gonna be worth the wait.

Kellie Kawahara-Niimi (02:40.91)

And the Friday after that, oh, we're diving back into our cozy every other week schedule. So mark your calendars, set your alarms and train your pets to remind you whatever works. Now I can almost hear your thoughts buzzin, “What's coming up you magnificent podcasters you?” And we've got some really great conversations coming up with some pretty cool folks actually. We get the inside scoop about an upcoming sold out event from the organizer himself. We'll have conversations about growing and shaping the future of kendama with someone who is literally building a system from scratch. And we'll chat with one of our most beloved kendama influencers on the scene. There's more brewing behind the scenes too. We're stirring up some delightful surprises that'll knock your socks off or at least slide them around a bit. Trust me, you don't wanna miss what's coming up.

Before I bounce and let you get back to your undoubtedly thrilling day, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for sticking with us. Thank you for being the best audience a podcaster could wish for. We are pumped to have you with us on this wild, unpredictable, and absolutely exhilarating ride. So stay tuned, stay awesome, and remember, a bird is just missing the spike on purpose.

Okay, bye!