Snarkle Talks: Episode 1 Teaser

 snarkle talks: ep 01 trailer (the episode where we learn how to people). illustrated figure of a rock with horn and fanged teeth wearing a kendama necklace (representing jack).


Dive into Snarkle Talks, where we mix a cocktail of creativity and community with a twist of the unexpected. This episode, come with us as we delve into the sometimes murky, but always fascinating waters, of networking and collaboration. Honestly, networking is probably similar to speed dating, but for your dreams/goals. We'll try to give you some tips to make it less awkward and more actionable.

Armed with anecdotes, a dash of wit, we’re tearing down the mystique around building connections that spark joy, innovation, and maybe a little bit of genius.

Joining us is a guest so sinisterly bewitching that they've cast their spell over us! Together, we'll unravel some of the secrets to creating connections and offer you some ways to find partnerships that fit just right.

So, whether you're a networking newbie or a collaboration connoisseur, cozy up and let us whisk you away on a journey where creativity meets connectivity, with a side of snark. Buckle up for an episode that promises to tickle your funny bone and turbocharge your creative engine

A fun extra-- we'll do talk a little bit about the behind-the-scenes that we've got cooking up! COME HANG OUT! 



Ep 1 Trailer: Transcript

Upbeat Intro Music 

Kellie (0:08)

Hey, it's Kellie here from Snarkle Talks, and I've got a sneak peek that'll hopefully spark your curiosity and get your ears perked. In our first episode, we're deep diving into the heart of creativity-- networking, and collaboration. They're the golden key to anyone eager to leave their mark on the creative world and make long lasting impressions and vital connections. 

Our first guest is a good friend who is truly great and making those connections and producing amazing art. We'll be talking stories about the business as well as unpacking the secrets to meaningful relationships and showing you how to weave them into your own creative journey.

Kellie (0:47)

But wait, it doesn't stop there! We'll also be discussing a special surprise that we've got brewing a brand new collaboration. 

Upbeat Transition Music

Kellie (1:00)

I want to somehow tease this thing that we're doing!

Jack (1:04)

So I was hoping we could do a little bit of that. Yeah!

Kellie (1:07)

I... the thing that we're making is something that I have been so excited to do for a really long time. The shape itself has been brewing in my mind. And I am so glad when we talked at battle this last time that you were like "Yes!" Can you talk a little bit about what was going through your brain when you're like trying to puzzle or new collab together?

Jack (1:34)

Well, first things first, like I kind of hinted at earlier, we have a bar set. So like it has to be crazier. And the goats have done really well. I'm really proud of how they come out every single time we've done it. So I definitely wanted to switch it up, but in a way where we were kind of like, you know, doing what we really like to do, which is like get creative and really push the boundaries. And so when you pitched me this idea, I was like "this is the perfect way to do it.”

Upbeat Transition Music 

Kellie (2:01)

So whether you're at the beginning of your creative journey or looking to deepen your existing connections, this episode is your beacon. Get ready to be inspired to learn and to hang out with us for a little bit. It's like your favorite group chat, except out loud. Stay tuned and join us on Snarkle Talks. Don't miss out and we'll talk soon!

Ep. 1 Teaser Transcript (PDF)